Did you see a favorite painting you would like to purchase? Please email me at [email protected]. Remember I love to give discounts. There we can speak of price and shipping. I will send you a paypal invoice, then ship your painting right to you! All prices are always next to the painting.

First Time Ever!

Our 4 week channeling class is available online for those of you the prefer to study on your own or can not make the in person class times.

These are recordings from our live class. What is shared here are the exercises shared by Siria Family.

Class #1– Meeting the unseen. This is in part the exercise given to the channeling students in this particular class. I have only included the exercise for you to experience, all sharing’s and questions are unique, private to the students and not recorded. What is shared here is the exercise in meeting your unseen team. In this way you can begin by participating in this guided meditation led by Siria Family and begin working on your own.

Class #2A-The Study of Consciousness, channeling and the art of stepping aside. I begin by talking about consciousness, channeling and the art of stepping aside. Something funny happens in this recording. After Siria family chats for awhile my phone spontaneously starts speaking on its own and “Siri” on the iphone begins to speak!!!!! At that time I come out of trance and ask the class what happened. They are all laughing.

Continued Recording of side A, Siria Family continues.

Class #3 more practice exercises from previous classes.

Class #4, Here is the class in its entirety. questions, answers, sharing. I channel Siria Family and Amilea.Each of the students channels for the first time the last class. recording.

Online Channeling class approximately 245 minutes.

Bundle Package $197.00

Become A Channel and Receive Healing

First and foremost is the connection, the partnership with you and your Higher Self. Your birthright is to know, be in dominion with your Higher Self, the greatest relationship of all. This is the beginning step that is the precipice of all.

Download 1- Channeling Class #1
The Higher Self, how to connect, how to partner for healing. You will receive the teachings of how to feel and contain higher states of frequency. These energies not only set the stage for channeling, but develop one to be more in alignment with one’s own dreams, desires and healing within. You are guided each and every step of the way by Sheryl.

Channeling Class # 2, The Meeting of the Gatekeeper, Sheryl full trance with Siria Family.
Siria Family speaks on the New World. The role of the Gatekeeper. Establish Unseen Friends, building a relationship, a bond of love. Siria Family guides to meet and greet in a powerful healing visual journey. Feel the vibration of unconditional love.

Fear/Violence and Love/Beauty – Audio Recording 45 min –   15-25 $ Donation

In this transmission, Siria shares the anatomy of violence, love and beauty. (first 30 minutes) What these energies are made of and how each and every one of us has the power to transform and work with these energies. She then takes the listener on powerful guided journey’s that will leave you feeling empowered, filled love and especially teachings on how to mitigate the current threatening energies into something much more positive. Many have shared with me after listening to this channeling they felt they actually made a difference in their own lives and in our world. A highly recommended transmission.

Sliding scale

1 hour session – $175.00

90 minute session – $250.00

2 hour session – $295.00

Did you talk with Sheryl about a special price? Use this link.

4 week channeling class Dates TBA  $295.00
8 week channeling class Dates TBA  $575.00

# of Weeks

Soul & Spirit Portrait $295.00 ~ Includes: Energy treatment, materials,artwork, as well all USA shipping. Please note: We do worldwide shipping! However we are not responsible for custom’s fee’s and charges.

Thank you!