EnJOY a energy treatment focusing  on healing thyself, your Soul and Spirit. (Emotional, physical, mental, spiritual). Each treatment is specifically designed and created for your own personal needs.  I work with my guides and many times new Beings of the Divine who come specifically for you! We are able to see inside the body as Spirit is showing me incredible patterns of light. Where the light may be dim and where it is strong.  Toning, sound vibrational healing, and energetic hand movements are used to remove, replace, and integrate the energies at hand. Through this process I use the gift of clairvoyance seeing within one’s energy field. This gift I do not take lightly as Spirit is showing the invisible planes of consciousness just now being explored by science. We can begin to understand spiritual healing from an energy point of view based on the extraordinary. These kinds of miracles can and do occur far more often than our contemporary world would like us to believe.

Lately my Guides and I have been working on peoples from around the globe in a remote fashion. I have found this kind of healing work is far more powerful. Why?  When people are able to relax, to remove themselves from the noise of the mind, to remove themselves from any ego states of consciousness, from fear, is when massive amounts of angelic energy can be transmitted. In this way, I have been honored to see a person walk after being wheelchair bound, another in great pain, now pain free. Another person tormented by agonising thoughts, shared with me after a short session, they are at peace once again. And yet another with painful, bleeding diverticulitis finds hope. Please understand this is not magic, but magical. We work together as this is a co creation. The question truly becomes how much light, love are you willing to receive? Then how much light, love are you willing to integrate, sustain and make yours.  Everyone is uniquely calibrated. Now is the time to heal.

We are committed to you and your well being no matter where you are, a remote transmission can serve you greatly.  I like to believe perhaps with you, we are adding a bit more beauty to our world. In this way, we respond together as vessels of the light to raise consciousness to people and our earth. Remember you are a magical beautiful Being that will be carrying this light. I am honored to work with you in this way.

Science has already stated that everything is made of energy, molecules vibrating at certain frequencies. We can adjust space with energy where illness/pain resides.  Each and every cell in our bodies and invisible bodies a carries a consciousness. We can connect with these cells and reprogram them.

Restoring you to a sense of Well Being.

 I love to heal!  A transmission of energy can occur in a very short time. In this way I offer 30 minute session, remote healing. Know that in your session you will be treated with  respect, kindness as these energies are served to you, for you. 

Channeling Past Lives, giving voice to You. In this form of channeling it is very similar to channeling a Being, except the Being is You! In this way I simply step aside and allow for the Past life to speak. This can be incredibly healing for a person to see themselves and interact with themselves from a whole new perspective. Imagine if you could not only be with a past life but speak to one in a channeling process? In this form of healing the results are always, always transformative. 

Trauma Release is another experience that is remarkably healing. In our modern world we are often focused on the pain or issue that is most obvious to us, but it is not the entire story. Past lives, inner child trauma/abuse often represent themselves as sub personalities, pain and emotional blockages. We unravel “your story” by self examination to find your authentic voice by “giving voice”. Parallel realities, future lives and creating positive futures are far more possible when we experience emotional clearing and reprogramming. Often times the energy can represent itself as a web of tiny lines that are all connected.  When we embrace our patterns with eyes of love,  issues begin to soften allowing in the healing energies. In this form of channeling, my body echoes one’s pain / trauma. In other words i channel it out of your body for you, through my own body.


 I feel full of energy and light, as if my happiness  has been restored to a state of balance and harmony

“Although it is almost impossible to put everything in words that you and Siria Family have done for me in just a few short months…I am going to try. Through your help and guidance and your incredible healing powers I have literally transformed into a much happier, more balanced and empowered person. Little did I know how much “baggage” I was carrying around with me…once the healing started I started feeling lifted and A LOT lighter. I am able to see, feel and understand everything within me and surrounding me. What’s most important is that I have found a deep sense of self love. My aura has been cleaned and my path has been opened, and even when faced with obstacles they are no longer an obstacle but an opportunity to create something that’s good for ME. I feel a great shift in and around myself. Again, it is impossible to describe what all you and Siria have done for me.  Simply put it’s magical”! Love and appreciation, N. Bell

Email Sheryl at [email protected]