Are you feeling the nudge from Spirit to learn how to channel or perhaps boost your mystical experiences? If so, please read on. Then travel to my store page to learn of class format and pricing.

Spirit has helped me transform in miraculous ways! We come together and offer you the same.

Interested to study with us? Please email me at [email protected]

It is my joy and love to continue offering opportunities to connect with the unseen, your unseen team. We do this in a myriad of ways, first by taking a close examination of our interior and by honestly seeking to discover that which blinds us, holds us back from the greatest gift of all. Our LOVE.

Our Spirit guides do exactly that. They guide us, never living the life for us, but showing the way. It is us that walks through the doorway into greater awareness. We are encouraged to meet, greet the one and only Gatekeeper, their role and place in our channeling experience. If you are one that is wanting to learn this ancient form of communication this class is for you. If you are wanting to learn more about your own patterns and how to transform the inner self, this class is for you. This class is about growth from within, having the courage to view ourselves without filters always in concert with our Spirit Guides and Higher Self. This is a journey like no other and one that many say “is, and has been life changing.” 

You learn to love yourself as that is the precipice to all of life. Trance Channeling, Vocal Channeling is unique in that the vehicle must learn to step aside, to allow full admission of another. In channeling, issues easily rise to the surface, one does not need to go looking for them. Its the language of the Universe, to surrender, to allow. What may seemingly be easy for one, may take years for another.If you are reading this and have already taken our classes,  you have experienced that all series, all classes are different. The fun never stops! Spirit guides each and every class, they are always different, always unique, always original to the Souls that gather.  Everything changes when you do!

I offer to you over 30 years of international  trance channeling Star Beings, Inter dimensional Beings as well as Earth Beings. I started my training as a healer by looking at myself at the age of 15 years old, transforming the “pained inner self” with therapists, teachers and most of all, Spirit themselves.  3x weekly over a period of 3 decades. I bring this knowledge, healing and guidance to you.

What was once considered esoteric is now considered mainstream
“The Anatomy of Authentic Voice Channeling”
This is a Calling, rather than a Career. A stirring deep within your Soul that you are being asked to answer, A Calling is a journey into the Mystery.

You are invited to join International Channel/Healer Sheryl Ann Noday & Beings of Light, “Siria Family”

“Come explore with Us. Grow with Us.  Come LOVE with Us….. Siria Family” Come one, Come all and unleash yourself in a Powerful Channeling Class.

You are invited to meet your own set of Spirit Counselors, Guides and Gatekeeper that were established prior to this carnation.

You are invited to learn a new way of thinking, the balance of the human brain.  If you are wanting to grow and receive unconditional love from the energies of Higher Self and our Unseen Friends Once  unconditional LOVE Spirit has for you IS FELT, life oftentimes
life never looks or feels the same .New choices are made, expansions are felt and love has increased!!!!!!! Channeling has become the new norm.

Learn how to be a authentic channel while maintaining a rich personal life, establishing healthy boundaries. Discussions on the shadow self as it is undeniable in personal growth, who it is and how it works. Discussions and exercises with inner child, how to hear the voice, recognize it and heal. Exploration in past lives, future lives and parallel realities. Learn how to see ourselves with new eyes, growth can be fun and exciting as we consciously grow with Spirit in a channeling format.

Channeling, a very old communication still remains both mysterious and misunderstood.
Join us to learn about the Anatomy of Authentic Channeling and its  core
foundation: LOVE. This vibration sets the tone to embrace our Divine Birthright, connecting to Soul and Higher Self. Learn how we evolve, how our brains are involved and change as a result. We learn that we can co-create with Divine Beings in the universe. You are met with absolute love Siria Family are wise, humorous, ancient Beings offer awareness, empowerment, assistance in healing to create fulfillment in life beyond our wildest dreams and imaginations.

It all starts from within as your outer reality is a reflection of the inner you. Automatic writing, automatic drawing and voice channeling are explored in class.

Coaching and guidance is provided each and every step of the way. Weekly
questions explored, answered and encouraged by both Siria Family and
Sheryl. Each and every series of classes is unique and different. No two are ever the same. We often have  spiritual beings such as “Lyra”,
“Dolphins”, ET’s, “Ascended Masters”, Chief White Feather who come to
offer their wisdom and knowledge.

You are invited to cease the idea of self compromise and to embrace your eternal essence*

We shall cover discernment energies, How to create life from the inside out, being a creator in life….. practical applications!

How to Process?  The meaning of Inner Transformation

A fun, glorious journey in the re meeting, the renew of Spiritual LOVE!

Our classes are filled with JOY and LAUGHTER!

Class is the study of consciousness through the idea of channeling.
Therefore, meeting ones spirit guides and higher self gives way to the
path of higher consciousness. We gather for 4 consecutive weeks
exploring such concepts. In our 4 week series of classes meeting once a week we are going to dive into the fundamentals, the stepping stones of trance channeling. Greeting the Higher Self, meeting the Gatekeeper and a host of unseen Friends await your call.
How does one step aside, what are those energies?
How do we know we are channeling? Or is it one’s intuition?
What are the differences between telepathy, stepping aside and mediumship?
What are the similarities? Every week is different and every 4 week series
is unique in itself. Spirit guides us according to the group energy and
the group consciousness at hand. Spirit has said that this form of
communication with something other than one’s self will become wildly
accepted in our life time. Channeling is something that is as old as the
Earth, yet it is still so misunderstood. What is the cause of this
ongoing confusion? The cause is none other than the human ego system. In
this class we look at our ego through the eyes of wonderment and
understanding. We will examine what has made the human ego system so
strong and how it has become our survival mode. Finally, we will decide
what should and could be replaced to balance ourselves to connect with a
divine intelligence within the universe. This ancient form of
communication connects us to our souls, our higher selves, our unseen
friends, and reminds us of our divine place within the universe. Through
this experience, it becomes increasingly apparent that channeling is
far more than speaking with long lost relatives.

The question becomes is how much love are you willing to receive?  –Siria Family

Location-  Chicago, Los Angels, Out of State and Abroad~ As of 2020 we are virtual. See you on zoom!

Testimonial~ My personal experiences with Siria Family have been profound channeling experiences. These souls that come through Sheryl are extraordinary wise teachers. They have a knack for transmitting the exact information one needs to hear for one’s own Soul Growth. Their teachings are clear, complete, reflective, and gentle. Yet they push one to look further and reach a bit out  of one’s current comfort zone. Gently guiding one to look inward and grow a bit more.They have unmistakable connected me to powerful past-life lessons and status-quo energies and ways of being in the world  that may be helpful for me to look at clearly, examine with love, embrace the lessons with courage, and choose with courage to change a particular pattern which no longer serves my highest good. This can be both scary and a bit difficult as many of these patterns one can carry forward for Many lifetimes. But the exploration is gentle and quite guided by both wisdom and love!!! The group meditations following led by spirit are the most deep and profound meditations I have ever experienced. Which is always helpful on may levels!! I have been so grateful to find a channel who is so clear, ego-less, and channels such high level guides. It has been and continues to be such a joy to interact with both Sheryl and Siria Family. I treasure these experiences! “Words cannot express how appreciative I am to have crossed paths with Sheryl Noday. A gifted teacher on so many levels, both her classes and private sessions have had a profound impact on my perspective, and therefore, my
life. Sheryl’s capacity to channel is truly inspired. I highly recommend Sheryl’s work. She is a gift to our world and beyond.”
~ Annie

Burnside, Award-winning Author of Soul to Soul Parenting

Email Sheryl

Copyright © 2025 Sheryl Noday