Thank you for visiting my site where I feature my art, channeling and healing work. Under the tabs you will find each modality. For example if your interested in paintings only, please see the “contemporary art for sale” tab and click to view those pages. If your interested in what I offer in terms of “spiritual” modalities please click on the “offerings” tab to view those pages and all that is being offered to you.  And if you are interested to know more “about” me, please click on the “about” tab. For all else please email me at [email protected] as this site does not have a contact page. 

Healing Energy Transmission

EnJOY a energy treatment focusing on healing thyself, your Soul and Spirit. (Emotional, physical, mental, spiritual). Each treatment is specifically designed and created for your own personal needs.  I work with my guides and many times new Beings of the Divine who come specifically for you! We are able to see inside of the body as Spirit is showing me incredible patterns of light. Where the light may be dim and where it is strong.  Toning, sound vibrational healing, and energetic hand movements are used to remove, replace, and integrate the energies at hand. Through this process I use the gift of clairvoyance seeing within one’s energy field. This gift I do not take lightly as Spirit is showing the invisible planes of consciousness just now being explored by science. (read more) https://sherylnoday.com/healing/
What’s new on the Easel

I am a magical realism oil painter with a focus on figures, hybrids, whimsical and the metaphysical. 

My focus is “life as it is 
life of the imagination”. 

LemuriaMarie oil on canvas 24×48

Thank you to Zo Magazine! Two of my paintings have been selected as international finalist! click here to view  https://sherylnoday.com/magical-realism/ 


Siria Family, the beings I channel have been contributing in the Sedona Journal since 2019!


Art The Silent Healer™ was founded by Sheryl Ann Noday in Los Angeles, 1990 with a focus on spiritual communications and making art from those narratives. The idea being to transport viewers into other worlds where mystical, metaphysical and healing ideas are opulent, desiring to create a platform of wonder. Cultivating her gifts at a young age, Sheryl often says, “She was Born to Channel”, having her first channeling experience, giving voice to her Spirit Guides at 15 years old. Together in  partnership we are dedicated to the magic of Art the Silent Healer. 

“I like to think of what I do as outrageous, spontaneous play with the Unseen, to make Seen”.

Channeling ~  I will teach you all about Channeling, it’s phenomena, its grace!

What pulls us out of suffering and into JOY, love is what I am passionate about. Dedicating my life to working with Spirit, we share with you the following opportunities for growth. Trance Channeling/Mediumship, Healing, Light Energy Work, Sound Tonal Vibrational Healing and last but not least Magical Realism oil paintings. I invite all those that are wanting to shift from one state of consciousness to the next, to grow from the inside out and to know life as it was intended to be. A life of wonder, happiness, connection, and passion to come and “dance with us in consciousness” as Siria Family would say.

Spirit has helped me heal my life. I offer to you the same. Join me as we discover and uncover the magnificent you.

Channeling ~There’s nothing like it!

I along with Spirit have assisted thousands around the globe to find the essence of love, restoring one to harmony, and balance. Thus feeling the transformation within one’s life.  We offer  The Anatomy of Authentic Channeling. Classes.  Private sessions. Healing Time. Workshops in which one learns to grow in their soul self. We are guided by Spirit. Learning to respond in concert with our Spirit Guides. How they work. Why?  We answer the call. When people experience unconditional love, shifts occur in the subconscious, one connects with their divinity, remembers their own power. This dismantles the illusion of separation which is the core of all pain.

“Siria Family has prepared me to increase the divine synchronicity of my path and I am eternally grateful and in such awe of my new self-empowerment! I love the adventure and mystery of raising my awareness and consciousness through a co-collaboration with Spirit. Sheryl is so enthusiastic, delightfully warm, humble, and genuine that her approach to channeling has given me a new appreciation of this form of healing. The more I become immersed in this particular way of merging with Spirit- the more it feels familiar and natural- like this was how we were meant to “understand” our true selves. After you take the leap, prepare to leave boring behind”.


I like to think of what I do as outrageous, spontaneous play with the Unseen, to make Seen”. I believe art heals. The healing in my experience comes from the blending of spirit and physical. Learn More


Trance Channel/Medium/Healer

Trance Channel/ Medium/ Healer 

 From the realms of Sirius, Beings of Light, known as “Siria Family”, speak of LOVE, healing, self integration, thus offering powerful, transformational transmissions. I absolutely LOVE channeling Siria Family as they touch our hearts illuminating the light from within. Siria Family often sings the songs of Sirius with loud vibrational healing tones, a language of light.

I am filled with compassion for those who suffer.

We love to offer healing light transmissions.  A transmission of energy can occur in a very short time. In this way I offer 30 minute sessions as well as remote healing. Know that in your session you will be treated with upmost respect, kindness as these energies are served to you, for you. 

Testimonial~ Dear Sheryl, thank you for your assistance in for a speedy recovery, not only did I learn about the core of my pain, I am now living a life I had only dreamed of, thank you so much!

Soul & Spirit Portraits

Angels, Higher Self, Inner Child Self, Spirit Guides, Soul and Star Selves, even Future Selves are all part of our journey here on planet Earth.
Learn More


“Sheryl is the best channel I know! She is the most serious teacher I’ve ever met. I can’t say enough about her, but I wish everyone could know how genuine and clear Siria family’s guidance is.” 
Jason in Chicago

It was the fall of 1998 and you were one of the freshest bookings to come through Healing Earth. I was new to channeling and the idea of you bringing Siria Family was really mind blowing…and it was. Connecting with beings on higher dimensions was really eye opening. You and Siria Family really shaped my path and gave me a huge start in the metaphysical realm. Many thanks! Dave Riddle in Chicago.

Sheryl was introduced to me as one of the most accurate, believable channels, and she has lived up to that reputation. She channels a spirit group known as Siria Family, which assists folks on earth in assessing input from the spirit plane and implementing life changes based on analysis of life’s pains and potentialities. Siria Family doesn’t predict one’s life or dictate how to proceed phase-to-phase or beginning-to-end; rather they provide hints of possibility, shifts in thought that can transform our lives  by helping us become aware that our day-to-day human interactions are profound and tremendously significant. (I’ll have to show her what I just wrote.) It reads like an overly enthusiastic marketing piece, but the words flowed from my heart through my fingers and onto the keyboard expressing my feelings about what I have gotten from my sessions with Sheryl over these many years. Love Blue

Hello Sheryl,
I listened to our interview with Lauren yesterday and would love to study with you. The energy that comes through when you channel moved me into a very deep state. Please let me know about your next class. Thanks, Peter
What an amazing experience to be filled with Spirit and actually to speak with Spirit, soooooo healing! Thank you Sheryl and Siria, I am transformed.  Love, Susan
Our session was absolutely fascinating, I hung onto every word, filled my heart with so much love. Cindy
Sheryl, your portrait of Breonna touched my heart at its center—you gave her such dignity and beauty, as she deserves.  Thank you for sharing it—you see and paint with the eye and heart of an extraordinary Magician.  I’m grateful.
Blessings galore, Kay Cash-Smith
San Francisco

Hello Sheryl, I learned of you and the work you do today from a good friend who recently experienced a healing session with you. He spoke with such joy and energy about the experience. I would love to learn about the possibility of arranging a session with you soon.

Sheryl is a genuine, sincere, and compassionate trance channel and healer that is committed to growth and spreading the message of love.
Linda in Oregon

The channeling class was magical! I had a profound experience as I could feel and recognize my Higher Self and Gatekeeper too.Indeed this is the true embodiment of the Higher Self. This class also opened me up to receiving a bunch of messages and guidance on my journey. At first, I wrote this down in a journal, as writing was an easy way for me to bring forth the message I received. Yet, we realized in the class that something had to be healed within me as I was fearful or hesitant to use my voice to channel.In the past life experience Siria Family led us on, I discovered a lost Shaman Being I once was in another life time and great healing and integration took place! And together as a group, we began to tone and express the information through our voice without words. Thank you Sheryl for this comprehensive  and healing experience. Love, Lauren

Thank you for this beautiful experience. WOW, it was so powerful. I feel magnificent and radiant. Thank you for celebrating us!
Love, Jacinthe

Thank you for the channeling and the recording. I wanted to tell you how much I really enjoy  Siria Family’s energy. A wonderful place of proper intelligent and humorous and curious. I loved it and it was so refreshing. Truly a wonderful piece of our collective family. Thank you. T. Florida

Next Steps…
If you would like to LISTEN to channeling,
please go to our International Channel/Medium/Healer tab.

If you would like to View our channeling, please experience on

For all inquiries please email me at [email protected]

Thank you, Sheryl